The Birth of Wesley Rose

I first met with Eden a few weeks prior to her birth.

Absolutely gushing over her wildly eclectic home, that was truly a photographers dream. Perfect natural light flooded every room - deep rich colors on every wall, plants, gardens, there wasn’t a single inch to not love. She took her midwife Samm and I for a mini tour, talking about her birth vision. How she wasn’t exactly a fan of baths, so didn’t expect to use a birth tub but that she really enjoyed the circular space in a room that she set up to labor in. Though honestly any room would do. Her 4 year old son was following close behind, excited to show off the space! We parted ways and I knew this was going to be one of those births that really hit hard, as I had an immediate connection with her. 

June 14th - 3:30am

I got a brief call from her midwife, that Eden was in some pretty heavy labor and that she would be leaving at that moment to get to her home. I got up, quickly threw some clothes on, and ceremoniously went to Wawa as I always do before each birth - to stock up on snacks and one final big meal just in case the birth may be a long one (after a few births lasting 3-5 days I don’t take the risk going hungry anymore!) Right as I pulled up to Wawa, I got the text “doors unlocked she’s pushing hurry” at this point I was 20 minutes away, I bolted inside and grabbed the closest thing I could find so I would have something in my stomach. Then, I sped like a bat out of hell to her place, housing down a donut on the ride there. 


I reached her home, and ran inside. Upstairs in the smallest possible room (oh how we love cave birthing) I found Eden pushing on the toilet with her midwife, husband and son, close by holding space of support. 


She looked worried, and said she had been pushing for quite a while and that something just didn’t feel right. We reassured her that pushing for this amount of time was normal, but after a bit of time, things did feel off. Samm had Eden get off of the toilet to try some hands and knees pushing, alternating lifted legs, It was at this point that I snuck quietly as I could around her son and husband into the bathtub, to be sure I could catch any possible shots her baby being born, I later quite literally was perched on the tank of the toilet as each event unfolded. 


Eden was pushing with all the power her body could muster, alternating leg lifts until finally the head presented. This is when things started to get concerning. Baby had no external rotation, and was purple. Samm felt around, and realized that he also had a tight nuchal cord while also realizing that this was in fact a shoulder dystocia (the shoulders being stuck, making is extremely difficult for the baby to be born without some help, and could pose some serious risks) Eden was adamant on keeping the cord intact for delayed cord clamping, but hoping that it would help him come down a bit more, the decision was made to cut early. Samm had her flip to her back, minutes passing and stress levels rising with no signs of this dystocia making any resolve. Her midwife was definitely phenomenal in keeping the energy calm, even though you could feel the underlying worry vibrating through the room. She continued to try to help maneuver the shoulders out, and finally after 5 whole minutes, baby was out!! 


Time was feeling none existent, with this underlying shaky rush of what can we do?

Baby was floppy, and struggling to breathe, Samm called over to have me grab resuscitation equipment, and I quickly put my camera down, scrambled off of the toilet and ran to grab what was needed. When I was back to the bathroom, I saw Samm giving mouth to mouth inflation breaths. She’s quick on her feet and knows how to navigate these situations with some serious confidence (though this was her first ever shoulder dystocia, she took no time springing into action) She handed Eden her stethoscope so she could hear that baby’s heart was nice and strong, around two minutes pass and he finally lets out a gentle cry! 


Eden took that moment to realize that she had just given birth to another little boy! With his older brother just by her shoulder, he scooted in close to welcome his new brother with words that started a serious roll of tears “Hey little sugar plum!!” 


We helped her up, and moved Papa and her oldest son into the bedroom. Eden took a few moments on her own to take a quick “holy shit that was intense” rinse off on the bath and then went to join her now fuller family as the sun began to rise.


Her husband went to make us all pancakes, and we relaxed into the then peaceful realm that is the freshly postpartum moments. My heart was pounding through this entire birth, Eden was an actual incredible and beautiful birthing badass. I’m so happy to have shared this space with her.



That was a wild ride. 

Welcome Earthside Wesley!

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